Safety is a big concern in this day and age, when it comes to the homes where we live, the cities where we work, the spaces where we recreate, our online privacy and more.

WalletHub just published its annual safety study, 2018's Safest States in America, in which it measured the 50 U.S. states across 48 different metrics, and arrived at rankings both for overall safety and within various sub-categories. New York came out in the top third or half in many areas, but scored poorly in one key metric.

The Empire State's worst result was in Workplace Safety, which included factors like occupational illnesses and injuries, and even work-related fatalities. And it also was in the bottom half in Loss from Climate Disasters, mostly for the devastation of Hurricane Sandy on the downstate region.

New York State did score well in Personal, Residential, Financial, and Roadway Safety, notably in the latter, as it ranked in the top five for fewest vehicular fatalities. And it also was top five in the most law enforcement officials per capita.

The safest states overall were Maine at #2 and Vermont, which may give you another reason to contemplate a move to the Green Mountain State.

The bottom five were Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Mississippi in dead-last.


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