If you or someone you know has a Spotify Premium or Spotify Family-Plan account, there's a free piece of technology in your near future.

Spotify is giving away free Google Home Minis (not the new Nest Mini's, but STILL!!) There's no additional cost — the smart speaker is included with your individual or family-plan pricing on Spotify.

Credit: Google Store
Credit: Google Store

Here's how you get your free Google Home Mini:

  • Click on either of these two links, depending on what account you have: https://www.spotify.com/us/family/ or https://www.spotify.com/us/premium/
  • When you click through, you'll be prompted to log in. Do that!
  • After you've logged in and agreed to a few standard terms of service things, Spotify will send over an email with a link to your free Google Home Mini.
  • After you've logged in, the Google Store will open with your Google Home Mini price reduced to zero. Choose your color! Submit your shipping information!
  • Boom! You're all set, now it's time to wait *patiently* for your newest treasure!

The offer lasts until November 15, or until the Home Minis run out - so if you're someone who has an account through Spotify, I highly suggest logging on immediately to get yours!

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