WATCH: Heroic Good Samaritan Saves Stranded Driver from Flooded New York Street
A heroic Good Samaritan helped rescue a driver who got stranded in a flooded New York street.
The recent rain in the Albany area turned roads into rivers. One driver tried to make it through but got stuck. Luckily, someone was nearby to help.
A man pulled a woman out of her car that became stuck in the flooded road, and the rescue was caught on camera.
Don't Drive Thru Water
NEVER try to drive through flood waters. You have no idea how swift a current there is that could sweep you and your car away. You also don't know what dangers you can't see lie under the water.
Always remember to turn around, don't drown.
Upstate New York Flooding
States of Emergency were declared in several counties across the state this week including in Newcomb/Long Lake after the region received a significant amount of precipitation.
Route 28N leading from the Town of Newcomb to Long Lake, New York is closed until further notice after being washed out in the flood.
To find all road closures across the state, visit County-wide road closure can be found at
Flooding Fundraisers
Several fundraising efforts are underway to help those who have suffered tremendous damage to their homes and businesses in Long Lake and Blue Mountain Lake. Find them all at
Read More: See Flooding Devastation Mother Nature Left in Upstate New York
Boat Washed Away Still Attached to Dock
The massive flooding not only washed away roads, bridges, and dams, but a boat and Jet Skis still attached to the dock also floated away.
The dock owner saw a post on the Long Lake Facebook page.
The dock and recreational vehicles tied to it belong to Jim Devlin. He managed to bring it all back to shore and was appreciative of everyone who helped.
Read More: Flood Washes Class Ring Lost 51 Years Ago Onto NY Beach