New York Ranks Top 20 for Best Public Schools in the Country
It's great New York ranked within the top half of the country, but where exactly did the public school system lie on the list?
When it comes to planning your child's future, education is always a top priority. If you were a kid that transferred from school to school growing up, you'd know not all public schools are created equal. Especially when you move to another state.
WalletHub wanted to help current and future parents, so they created a new study focused solely on education. Their team of experts compiled a wide range of information, helping them rank "2023's States with the Best & Worst School Systems". Some of the data they based their rankings off of include overall school safety, droup-out rates, and funding.
New York State faired well, coming within the Top 20 of the entire country. But where exactly did they excel and fall behind the pack?
New York - 13th
Total Score - 56.44 (top was 73.02)
Quality - 9
Safety - 16
It's clear that though New York wasn't the best on the list, they certainly weren't the worst. Ranking within the Top 10 for school quality is huge, considering we beat out other higher overall ranking states like Florida, Maryland and Indiana.
Read More: Upstate NY Pizza Shop Offering Free Lunch for Kids this Summer
New York fell behind for safety, but most states ranked above are more rural. Which is important considering New York City makes a huge impact on the numbers.
Now that we know how the Empire State faired in the country, what about the rest of the list? Here's the rest of "2023's States with the Best School Systems"...
- Massachusetts
- Connecticut
- New Jersey
- Wisconsin
- Virginia
- New Hampshire
- Nebraska
- Maryland
- Florida
- North Dakota
- Indiana
- Utah
- New York
- Delaware
- Maine
- Iowa
- Kentucky
- Wyoming
- South Dakota
- Illinois
- Vermont
- Montana
- Minnesota
- Pennsylvania
- Washington
- Rhode Island
- District of Columbia
- Texas
- California
- Colorado
- Tennessee
- North Carolina
- Arkansas
- Missouri
- Hawaii
- Ohio
- Georgia
- Idaho
- Kansas
- Michigan
- Oregon
- South Carolina
- Mississippi
- Nevada
- Alabama
- Louisiana
- Alaska
- West Virginia
- Arizona
- Oklahoma
- New Mexico
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