Andrew Russell, SUNY POLY's Officer in Charge (or the person tasked with running the university until a president is selected) spoke on Wednesday about the aggressive plans for the new SUNY POLY.

Just last year, SUNY POLY announced that the College of Nanoscience was moving to Albany, leaving the Marcy campus in limbo. Now, a new reinvention is underway at SUNY POLY and the plan is to design it perfectly to meet the needs of the technology industry in the Mohawk Valley.

Russell says the university will be meeting with local community members, representatives and constituents in an effort to get input from the students and faculty on the ground.

Here are the categories that SUNY POLY wants defined.

•Human capital to nurture community and enable growth

•Robust external partnerships

•Campus infrastructure

•Academic programs, research, and scholarship

•Renewal of SUNY Poly’s identity

The university will hold a town hall meeting coming up on Friday.

• The Town Hall meeting will take place Friday, March 31 at 11:00 a.m. in the Student Center Multi-Purpose Room (MPR).

•Light refreshments will be served immediately beforehand.

SUNY is also holding sessions with students and faculty in an effort to get input from those on the ground. Russell said that the following areas will be covered:

•Human capital to nurture community and enable growth 

•Robust external partnerships 

•Campus infrastructure 

•Academic programs, research, and scholarship 

•Renewal of SUNY Poly’s identity 



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