What was once a peaceful beautiful vacation village in Upstate New York is now a town filled with mostly empty abandoned buildings. Have you heard of Parksville located in Central New York?

Parksville is located in the town of Liberty New York. This is located about two hours south of Utica. Parksville gained attention at the beginning of the 20th century with the establishment of The Ontario and Western Railway.

The O&W provided easy and direct transportation to the picturesque Catskill region, where the industry was booming and tycoons were building stately summer homes and hotels."

Until the Great Depression, Parksville was a preferred summer destination for people who lived in New Jersey and New York City. More than 100 hotels and resorts were built, and so many visitors flocked to Parksville. Most of those hotels according to Atlas Obscura, closed their doors in the aftermath of the Great Depression. The largest resorts remained in operation until around the 1960s.

Route 17, a new highway that directed traffic through town, would briefly pique renewed interest in Parksville. In the late 80s and 90s, a group of local business owners tried to revive the town with a scattering of cafés, restaurants, and shops, but their success was short-lived.

Route 17 eventually became Interstate 86 which rerouted vehicles out of Parksville. Today, Parksville is all but abandoned. People still live in Parksville, some businesses are still open, but overall many business, hotels, and houses lay abandoned. This includes a ton of restaurants and cafes that tried to open between the 1980s and 1990s to rebuild the town.

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter these properties. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

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Take A Look At Parkville New York, A Ghost Town That Was Once A Beautiful Vacation Spot

What was once a peaceful beautiful vacation village in Upstate New York is now a town filled with mostly empty abandoned buildings. Have you heard of Parksville located in Central New York?

These photos are from the following YouTube videos: *GHOST TOWN* Parksville, NY, Parksville NY Exploration Montage (Ghost Town Adventure),

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter these properties. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

Exploring The Former Abandoned Woodhaven Park In Rome- 2016 Photos

Take A Look Inside The Abandoned ShoppingTown Mall In Dewitt, NY

Onondaga County currently owns the ShoppingTown Mall located in Dewitt New York near the Syracuse area. As of today, the mall is abandoned. The future of the building will go to someone who has the best vision for it. Onondaga County has issued an official request for proposals (RFP) for ShoppingTown Mall. The property will be resold to the buyer with the best plan for revitalizing the vacant property.
Proposers will need to have a demonstrated history of producing "high quality projects," according to the statement. They will also need to produce financial information related to the project."
Jordan Harmon was able to tour the property and take plenty of photos recently with permission from Onondaga County:
The main purpose of this shoot was to document this historical structure before any alterations occur. I grew up with this mall, I can remember coming here as a kid. This was the place my family did our back to school shopping and the place where I’d blow my allowance at Fun Junction playing laser tag. To see it now is shocking to say the least. The former owner of the mall clearly made no effort to maintain it, let alone stop the hundreds of leaks in the roof.


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