I happen to know a few people who hate the way that they feel after a night of drinking. They can't recover like they used to the next morning. So, they either drink Gatorade, or Pedialyte (a drink for babies and children) to help them get hydrated and get back some electrolytes in their bodies.

The good news for those who drink Pedialyte - a new beverage powder has been released targeted for adults!

The product, called Sparkling Rush, is a powder packet that comes in two flavors, cherry or grape, and is supposed to be “a fizzy way to quickly replenish fluids and electrolytes lost to dehydration," like regular Pedialyte for children. According to the directions, one packet should slowly be added to every 16 o.z. of cold water.

Credit: Target
Credit: Target

Pedialyte says the powder is clear, free of artificial coloring, and “great tasting.”

The company’s website states the drink is “not a hangover cure,” but “can help with the dehydration you may experience after a couple of cocktails.”

“Truth is, there’s no magic potion to cure a hangover; the only way to avoid feeling terrible is to drink less. This doesn’t mean you need to ‘give-in’ to feeling terrible and let it ruin your day. Pedialyte is not a hangover cure, but alcohol is a diuretic — which means the more alcohol you drink, the more you pee. And if you don’t replace the fluids you’ve lost, then even a couple of drinks at happy hour, or a few glasses of wine at book club, may lead to dehydration (which can contribute to you feeling extra terrible),”

The packets come in boxes of 6 are available for purchase online for $10.99. Maybe now's the time to stock up as we head into 2019. You might need them come Tuesday.

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