Rome Beats (Almost) Every Other Upstate New York Town In This Category
We receive a lot of annual snowfall. And the frozen temperatures and tediously cloudy winter conditions can be a bit hard to take. But, according to statistics generated by the folks at WalletHub, there is good news here.
Rome does our area proud in sustainable credit card debt, beating almost every other Upstate New York town. So, we've got that going for us here in the Mohawk Valley.
How does it fiigure?
WalletHub takes into account a number of factors when compiling sustainable credit card debt. Here's part of the methodology from their website:
Using WalletHub’s credit card calculator and the median credit-card balance and income of residents in each city, we determined the required number of months to pay off that balance and the resulting finance charges.
So, with all the factors--amount of median credit card debt, available funds, months to pay off, etc.--Rome was tied with Syracuse in the 36th percentile, far better than Utica, Albany, Binghamton and Buffalo (tied in the 53rd percentile), and Rochester in the 69th percentile.
And, how does Rome maintain relatively healthy credit? Perhaps it's due to the lower cost of living and more affordable housing and mortgage payments that creates more breathing room in folks' budgets. Whatever the case, congrats to Rome for keeping things in check.
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