Does The Smell Of Cucumbers In Your Home Here In New York Mean Danger?
Usually cucumbers don't mean danger, but if you have a home here in Upstate New York, it could equal danger. Here's a weird fact we found out.
Now that spring has officially arrived, despite the snow in New York, we are spending more time outdoors. Whether that means we are getting the grill cleaned up, the mower serviced and ready for another season, or we are doing some spring cleaning in the house.
But the warmer weather also means unwelcome guests in your yard, and in your home. For those of us that are lucky enough to have natural gas in our homes, you know that distinctive odor you smell if there's a gas leak in your home. (The gas company adds that smell just for that very reason.)
What if You Smell Cucumbers?
What if you smell something that smells a lot like cucumbers in your home? That could possibly be a sign of a very dangerous intruder. The copperhead is one of the three venomous snakes found in the state of New York. Copperheads have a very distinctive, cucumber musk scent that the snake emits when it feels threatened.
You might have run across copperheads while working in the yard. Or, you might have been working in the yard and not even known one was very nearby. An even scarier thought."
But if you are in your home and happen to notice a heavy aroma of cucumbers, or rotten cucumbers, you should contact your local pest control company immediately.
According to Lewisboro Field Guide, Copperheads grow to two or three feet. It is considered a pit viper, named for the pits located in front of their eyes. This enables them to see heat and sense the size and location of prey. While they do not have enough venom to kill a full size human, their venom can cause severe damage and requires immediate emergency treatment. Their bite is painful and they lack a warning rattle.
You can read more online here.