Tis the season to bring out the matching pajamas, frost the cookies and make sure to wrap all the presents! Find out how Lizzo, the Kardashians and other big stars celebrated Christmas this year.
It’s hard enough for film critics without Barry O. snatching up our freelance gigs, but President Obama and the First Lady weighed in with their choices for 2015’s best film.
Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Baby earned kudos from everyone all over the world, including those of us here -- you know, in that country that won the Revolutionary War -- and the royals issued appropriately and predictably polite, somewhat stiff statements about the birth.
Somebody thought they could heckle Michelle Obama. Somebody thought wrong.
About 12 minutes into a speech the First Lady was giving for a Democratic Party fundraiser in Washington, D.C., a protester interrupted to demand that the president sign an anti-discrimination executive order. And that's when things got real.