The ‘I Need A Favor’ Scam Now Making The Rounds
There is a relatively new scam making the rounds in our area. Known as the "I Need A Favor Scam" a seemingly innocuous email arrives in your mailbox saying some generic, non-specific greetings and statements and then asking you to do a favor for the writer. Do not respond.
Search this scam online and see what it is about. It is yet another sophisticated way to try and get your personal information. If you do respond the sender will probably ask you to buy them a gift card of some kind. Don't!
Beware...this email will probably be signed by somebody you know from your Facebook friends list.
Here is the one I got today. The tricky part of this is that it was signed by an actual listener of mine. I researched it before opening. You should too.
How are you doing today?
Thank You,
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