Watch an Epic Blooper Reel from ‘The Muppets’
It’s up for debate whether this blooper reel, which appears as an extra on ‘The Muppets’ DVD, is the longest ever in Muppet history as it’s billed. But it’s certainly one of the funniest. Mahna mah-oops!
If you haven’t yet seen Jason Segel’s revival of the beloved franchise (and you really should), enjoy this gag reel in the meantime, which gives us more than eight minutes of Muppet-style goof-ups, flubs and hijinks.
It’s particularly funny as Segel recoils at the sight of his Muppet doppelganger and when he trips new Muppet Walter. But, as far as we’re concerned, ’80s Robot, who imperils the cast with his bad driving skills and utters a bunch of outdated phrases that unfortunately never made it into the movie, is clearly the star.
Sadly, Miss Piggy only makes two brief appearances in the reel. Think anyone got karate chopped for that?