This Picture From The CNY Snowstorm Will Make You Say OMG
We've all seen pictures from snowstorms in Central New York, but you've never seen one as crazy as this.
The heavy snow that fell across the region recently brought down power lines and tree branches everywhere, causing power outages and property damage. Fortunately, no one was injured in the car pictured here - the owner wasn't in the vehicle when the branch come down and pierced the windshield. Virginia Franco, who posted the picture, says "My moms car ! ps. she’s fine ! Wasn’t in it!"
The photograph was taken in Whitesboro - and the general reaction of everyone who saw it on Facebook was OMG. You can totally see why. If that happened to your car you'd probably feel very lucky to have avoided getting hurt and a little unlucky that a branch manged to get your car with so much precision.
Do you have a crazier picture from a Central New York snowstorm? Send it to us at beth@lite987.com
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