Top Central New York Businesses That Should Be Drive-Thru
The recent car crash into the Colonial Laundromat in New York Mills was an accident. A motorist trying to park just lost control of her car. No charges were pressed. And there were also no injuries. But it got us thinking...
What businesses SHOULD have drive-thru options? A website called ProfitableVenture.com has an article featuring the 22 Best Drive-Thru Business Ideas for 2019. And yes, laundromat is on the list. Here are some other ideas we should consider in Central New York.
Liquor Store. We've seen them in other states, like Florida and Delaware, so why not here? We could call it "Whisky-a-Go-Go."
Marijuana Dispensary. With medicinal outlets growing like crazy and recreational weed possibly on the way in New York State, this idea could fly.
Funeral Home. There are already successful ones in Michigan and Georgia, where as drivers pull up to a window, a motion sensor automatically draws back curtains, so mourners can pay their final respects alongside a casket or urn on the other side of the glass. Seems like there could be a fun twist on this concept at Halloween, too.
Art Gallery. Don't laugh. It's been done. The Museum of Bad Art in the Boston suburb of Somerville has already teamed up with a another local business to deliver a drive-thru art gallery AT a car wash. You gotta think outside the box.
Pawn Shop. The ease of semi-privately trading in your valuables without the stigma of being spotted inside a brick-and-mortar doing it.
Voting Booth. Hey, we need to increase voter participation. There are worse ideas.
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