Utica Woman Shares Scary Story of Alleged Parking Lot Encounter
A Utica woman says she had a scary encounter in a Central New York parking lot, and she says police tell her it's another scam.
A woman named Nicole took to Facebook to warn her friends after what she said was a frightening encounter in a parking lot in North Utica.
"Creepiest Walmart story! As i get out of my car to go into the North Utica Walmart, a guy stops his car... a new Volkswagon Jetta....next to me and says “excuse me miss, but I’m having car trouble and my car is low on gas and keeps shutting off. I’m from Brookfield and was wondering if I could borrow a few bucks to get me home.... I left the house without my wallet.” ...... as I quickly see that the gas gauge reads half full and he quickly powers off the car ... pushing the button to pretend it wouldn’t stay running.... when it’s an eco (NSFW word) car!!!! So i tell him to push the button again so i can see the gas gauge and he quickly starts then stops the car again to try to convince me it was empty..... but i had already seen that it wasn’t. I started to walk away and turned back long enough to memorize his plate. I was very shaken going into Walmart and told their security. I also called UPD, who informed me that this is the latest scam going around... and that they collect several hundred dollars a day. Said its big in Syracuse right now and that technically pan handling in NY is not illegal.... That was awful. For the record: Silver Volkswagon Jetta....license plate (REDACTED). North Utica Walmart. Tall, dark haired man in his mid thirties... about 200 lbs... thin looking. Handsome and terrifying. Please be on the lookout."
Nicole says the incident occurred in broad daylight, right in front of the main doors of the Walmart store. Another of Nicole's friends says something similar happened to her daughter at the "North Utica FastTrac. He had a silver car and also said he was from Brookfield."
If you're approached in a similar situation, be aware that it is likely a scam. Always put your own safety first, and if you don't feel comfortable, return to the store and contact the police.