The Utica Zoo is Offering an Adult Zoo Camp Program
The Utica Zoo has been offering a variety of zoo camp programs that give children a unique opportunity to learn about the zoo, animals, and conservation efforts. Now, the zoo is going to be offering one of these zoo camp experiences, but for adults.
You've probably seen the announcements for the Utica Zoo's summer camps and winter camps for the kids. And if you're anything like me, you've looked into them, and thought some of them sounded like something you would actually want to do. Well, now is your chance! The Utica Zoo is offering a zoo camp for adults, and it's coming up this Saturday (February 10th). The camp goes from 9am to 12pm, and you'll learn about where the food comes from for the animals at the zoo. You'll even get to help prepare the food for some of their animals.
Space is limited for this adult zoo camp, so you'll need to register if you plan on attending. Cost is $35 for members and $40 for non-members, and you can register at:
The Utica Zoo also has many of their zoo camp programs available for the kids, over the next few weeks. You can get a whole list of programs (and descriptions on those camps) at the link above.