What Central New Yorkers are Looking Forward to Once Spring Hits
Are you ready for spring in Central New York? Although our winter hasn't been too bad this year, most people are over it and ready for the warmer weather.
And once the warmer weather hits (and is here to stay), people start "waking up" out of their hibernation. Everything comes back to life, motivation grows, and that "to do" list finally feels doable again.
So what are you looking forward to once spring hits? Do you just want the sunshine and nicer weather? Do you have some spring cleaning you really want to get done this year? Or is there something else you can't wait to do as soon as it's spring?
I can't wait for the warmer weather and my motivation to come back. I always have a hard time staying focused during the winter months and just want to sleep. But when spring hits, I have more energy and I'm ready to take on the day.
We posted this question on our Lite 98.7 Facebook Page, because we wanted to know what you're looking forward to most, in the spring. Your answers did not disappoint:
Amanda Gregory left us a comment, saying she's looking forward to "Nice temps, flip flops, windows open, sunshine, birds singing"
Jarid Sigsbee said, "road trips, what else?"
And he wasn't the only one to feel that way. A few others commented that they were looking forward to road trips.
Wendy Davy commented, "turning off the damn heat."
We're with ya, Wendy.
Pam Zuis Bowers said she was looking forward to the fresh air, and planting her garden. And Melissa Penz said "family bbqs" and sitting outside in her backyard.
Other comments included things like cleaning up the backyard, enjoying more hours of daylight, and opening the windows for fresh air. Opening the windows was mentioned a LOT. You can see all the comments for yourself (and add to the list), on our Lite 98.7 Facebook Page.
I think it's safe to say that MOST of us are ready for the warmer weather, and ready for spring to officially arrive in Central New York. Good news is, we're less than a month away!