Summer is pretty much over, and fall is here - which means leaves will start to change over to their fall colors soon. But when can you expect to see peak colors in Central New York?

One of the greatest things about fall in CNY is definitely enjoying the beauty of the leaves changing from summer's green to all the vibrant colors of fall...before they fall off and die in the winter. Brrrrr.

Thousands of people drive to Old Forge, to the Adirondacks to see the leaves at the height of their color, or "peak" - but timing that just right can be tough. Now, thanks to, you can find out exactly when CNY leaves will be at their prime.

Credit: Screen Capture
Credit: Screen Capture

Their interactive map allows you to determine when the leaves will begin to change, and when they'll hit "peak" leaf peeping time. According to the map, Central New Yorkers can expect to see "patchy" changes in the leaves by September 17th, achieve "partial" peak by September 24th, and to be at their peak by October 1st...after that the leaves begin to fade and fall from the trees.

Where do you like to drive to look at all the fall colors in Central New York? What's your prime leaf-peeping spot? 

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