Who Has the Most Second Hand Stuff in CNY?
I'm a big believer in used stuff. Especially since I'm a bit used myself. The picture above shows my used Ralph Lauren Polo brand golf shirt. And our previously used (and, sadly, abused) Chocolate Lab, Nikki, who came from Stevens Swan Humane Society.
We're also repurposing rain water and composting now at home.
The point is, why not recycle where you can? It feels good.
That shirt in the picture came from a shopping excursion with my son Dashiell at MyUnique in New Jersey. It cost me $3.99. It fits and looks great. And it doesn't smell at all like...let's call him "Doug," who probably had a coke problem, lost his job at the investment firm, and had to sell all his clothing to survive.
Which brings us to National Second Hand Wardrobe Day (every August 25th.) It blends in with our lifestyle.
Beth gives away the clothing the kids outgrow to other families with up and coming kids. My mom was on an estate sale kick for years. As a result, I benefitted from really nice "dead man" suits and dress shoes, and once hit a hole-in-one with a "dead man" 5-wood. It had his name and Maryland address still wrapped around the shaft.
The Mohawk Valley is big on this whole thing. Utica Assemblyman Anthony Brindisi conducts the "Warm for Winter" coat drive every year. And Beth wrote a great post recently about many of the consignment shops in the area:
While you're plotting your course to go out shopping and beat our record for second hand stuff, here's one of Fleetwood Mac's mega-hits from their top-selling Rumours LP to inspire you:
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