Win Tickets to Beautiful, The Carole King Musical: What’s Beautiful in Central New York
Broadway Utica is bringing 'Beautiful, The Carole King Musical' to Utica, and we want to send you and a friend to see it. All you need to do is identify photos of some of the beautiful places in Central New York, and you're in the running for a pair of tickets.
Carole King is one of the most prolific female songwriters of the past 50 years, writing the soundtrack to the life of anyone growing up in the '70s and '80s, including huge hits like "It's Too Late" and "I Feel The Earth Move."
Broadway Utica's "Beautiful, The Carole King Musical," is at the Stanley Theater. Performances, Friday, September 20 and Saturday, September 21 are at 7:30. A 2 o'clock matinee will be held on Sunday, September 22. Find out more and get tickets at Broadway Utica's website.
Here's Friday's (September 20th) photo:
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