For those of you dreaming of a white Christmas here in Central New York, and New York State, you may be in luck. The National Weather Service has a prediction map that depicts which places have the best chance of being a winter wonderland according to weather history.

The “Historical Probability of a White Christmas” map shows the climatological probability of at least 1 inch of snow being on the ground on December 25 in the contiguous United States. So, here in Central New York we are looking at around a 50% chance of snow for Christmas.

Where does history say you should be in the lower 48 for the best chance of seeing a white Christmas? Most of Idaho, Minnesota, Maine, Upstate New York, the Allegheny Mountains of Pennsylvania and West Virginia, and, of course, the Rockies and the Sierra Nevada Mountains all have a high probability of seeing a white Christmas.

This map is based on the 1981–2010 Climate Normals, which are the latest three-decade averages of several climatological measurements. For prediction of your actual weather conditions, check out our local forecasts with EyeWitness News Chief Meteorologist Rachael Witter.

BONUS VIDEO- Top Snowmobiling Trails Across Central New York


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