Matt Hubbell
Matt Hubbell

We wanted to know what makes the iconic Jelly Buns so popular in Central New York, so we sat down and talked to the owner Marolyn Wilson.

We asked Marolyn to give us a brief Jelly Bun history, and she told us that the founding bakers came to the states from Holland in 1955, but they're still using the original recipe to this day.

How is a Jelly Bun different from a doughnut?

Quite simply, it's in the mixing. You have to mix it enough to make it elastic, but you can't mix it too much or it will become tough.

Are their any secret ingredients?

Black raspberry jelly is the secret ingredient and the jelly manufacturer only continues to produce it because Holland Farms uses so much of it. They purchase countless pallets of the fruity filling at one time.

Here's a picture of the Jelly Bun infusing machine.

Matt Hubbell
Matt Hubbell

How long does a Jelly Bun take to make from start to finish?

3 hours.

How many Jelly Buns do you sell a day?

On any given day, Holland Farms sells 60 to 100 dozen Jelly Buns, but during "Jelly Bun Month", the shop sells upwards of 250 dozen a day.

Matt Hubbell
Matt Hubbell

Who is the typical Jelly Bun customer?

Older people who are ill want Holland Farms Jelly Buns. Their caretakers come in everyday and get one or two to take home because that's all they want. According to Marolyn, people in hospitals love the Jelly Buns too because they're soft, comfort food.

Do you have any tips or suggestions for someone who's thinking about starting a business?

Find a mentor and don't open until you're funded. No matter what wonderful product you're doing, people are not going to learn about it for a few months. It takes time to grow a business and many small businesses close because they're underfunded. Be sure you have enough financial backing to get through the first year before you open shop.

How did you finance the launch of your business?

Holland Farms started as a family run milk delivery business in 1928 on John Piersma's farm. (Marolyn is John's daughter.) Eventually John learned of a couple of Dutch Bakers who needed a job, so he brought them into the United States, and the bakery component was born.

Today, Matt tried a Jelly Bun for the very first time.

It's no wonder Holland Farms is "Serving Smiles Everyday."

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