Photo by Luis Davilla/Cover/Getty Images

Wash your hands.  You probably heard your Mom tell you that a million times when you were a kid.   Now that you're all grown up, are you still taking Mom's advice?  Lots of Americans are falling short in the handwashing department! 

Despite 92% of Americans saying they wash their hands after using a public restroom, the reality is more like 77% , according to a Harris Interactive study.  Women did better than men, with 88% washing their hands compared to 66% of men.  The numbers don't get better, even at home.  86% wash their hands after using the bathroom at home, 78% wash before eating or handling food, 73% wash their hands after changing a diaper, only 34% wash after sneezing or coughing and just 25% wash their hands after touching money.  Ewww.  How can you not wash your hands?  Doctors call it the most important thing you can do not only to prevent yourself from getting sick but for spreading illness to others.  Take the thirty seconds they recommend and just do it.

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