With gas prices on the rise, eating out is becoming more of a luxury than ever before. When you do get a chance to visit a restaurant, you want it to be a pleasant experience. Most Waiters and Waitresses try their best to make this happen.


Many waiters and waitresses due to their management have become very, very annoying. It’s not their fault by any means. I’m not calling you annoying, I appreciate everything you do. I used to work in the food industry and I can’t stress I’m not calling you annoying. I know how management gets, they want you to stress certain items on the menu and discounts.

Here's a rundown from TheSmokingJacket.com of some annoying statements you seem to hear from every waiter and waitress these days:

"I'll be taking care of you." - Doctors and nurses "take care" of us.

"Can I get you started with an appetizer?"- Hearing the entire list of appetizers on the menu rattled off by a server can ruin your appetite. I get confused and lost in the menu and want to eat more than I should!

"How's everything tasting?"- Usually asked within seconds after you've put a forkful of food into your mouth.

"Are you still working on that?"- The question makes it sound like we're gathered around a carcass, ripping meat from the bone like a bunch of animals.

"The top copy's mine."- What happens if a customer takes the bottom copy instead? Will they be chased down and tackled in the street?

Again It’s not your fault, I blame management on this one. There should be a big convention where they can brainstorm new lingo! One should be “Here let’s take a picture and send it to our Twitter!”

Just saying!

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