CNY Goes All Out For 2017 AK5K
The Alexandra Kogut 5-Kilometer Run & Walk (or AK5K) was a big hit again in 2017. The annual event honors the memory of the young woman who was murdered by her boyfriend in 2012.
The runners come in all shapes and sizes and ages. Some are serious and compete for time and pride, some run alongside their friends and family, others just jog.
Walkers also take part. The woman below looks like SHE registered for the race. The happy guy on the leash next to her seems to be missing HIS official number.
Just because the race is over for 2017, doesn't mean you can't make a donation to the Alexandra Kogut Foundation. The proceeds from the run, according to the foundation's website, "benefit causes that would have touched Alex's heart, and serve as a testament to her eternal hope, grace, and dignity."
Here's looking forward to 2018 and beyond. And, until then, Alex Kogut would have wanted all of us to remember her favorite quote from poet Ida Scott Taylor that graces the foundation's site:
Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.
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