After SummerStage at Rome Capitol's Facebook page dared us to "Watch This Space", rumors have been flying. What shows will be presented in this summer's series? And it looks like the word is finally out.

Director Peter Loftus has posted a statement about the 2 shows he is hoping to produce -

Please remember that these shows have not been finalized and are tentative at this point. Our first show will be Beauty and the Beast with Bonnie Hibbard as Musical Director. Our second proposed show is Catch Me if you Can with Karen Corigliano as Musical Director. (Peter Loftus' Facebook)

This is huge news for both budding actors and actresses, as well as the public who love attending these local productions. There really is a lot of great talent in our area, and the Rome Capitol Theatre is a wonderful venue that nurtures the arts in our community. You never know, you'll probably even know someone who is performing or working in one of the shows.

The Capitol Theatre in Rome
Naomi Lynn/TSM

We look forward to learning more about SummerStage at Rome Capitol's official announcements soon.

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