Are you familiar with the people and places that have defined and shaped our community? Here's a quiz that will really test your knowledge of your home base. It's the "So You Think You Know the Mohawk Valley" quiz.

In it, you can see how much of our region's history, geography, little-known facts, well-known facts, and other assorted tidbits all about Central New York in general and the Mohawk Valley in particular you are aware of...and some of it may surprise you.

Plus, you might end up learning a thing or two.

At the end of the quiz, you'll be scored--sort of on an A, B, or C basis--as to where you fall in three different ranges of correct answers. Please don't take it too seriously. Try it out and share it with your co-workers and friends.

Good luck, and don't feel bad if you don't score as well as others. Oh, and one other thing: No cheating.


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