Fun Facts About Easter Candy
Easter Candy: You Love it. We love it. There's nothing like stuffing your mouth with a few Cadbury Cream Eggs before breakfast.
But did you know...?
- Americans spend an average $1.9 billion on Easter candy every year.
- Sharing treats for Easter most likely came from a pagan tradition of eating Hot Cross Buns that was later adopted by Christians to celebrate Good Friday.
- Similarly, eggs were pagan symbols of fertility, that were later co-opted by the church to refer to the "rebirth" of Christ. Chocolate eggs came on the scene in the 1800s.
- 90 million chocolate Easter bunnies are currently made for Easter each year.
- 16 billion jelly beans are made specifically for Easter.
- In 1953, it took 27 hours to make one Peep, before the process was mechanized.
- When taking a bite into a chocolate bunny, 76% of Americans prefer to bite off the ears first.
For more factoids, check out Failed Success and Yumsugar.
[Photo by Jon Sullivan]
- Contributed by Cole Stryker