Griffo Meets With DOCCS Commissioner Following Surprise Visit to CNY Prison
Following a surprise visit at Marcy Correctional Facility last week, State Senator Joseph Griffo has met with the acting commissioner of the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) to discuss what is being done to address record violence inside state prisons.
Griffo's surprise visit followed several inmate-on-staff attacks statewide, including two recent incidents at Marcy Correctional where guards were lured into cells only to be attacked by prisoners. Those violent ambushes resulted in a broken leg for one corrections officer, a concussion for another, along minor injuries and abrasions for other staffers.
The union representing correctional officers (NYSCOPBA) has been very vocal about a change in state law (HALT) that restricts the use of SHU, single housing units, with a union rep also saying he believed Marcy has a major problem with illegal drugs being brough into the facility.
Griffo has called for action within the facilities, including a lockdown at Marcy Correctional to search for drugs.
The Republican senator released the following statement after his meeting Anthony Annucci, DOCCS acting commissioner:
“I appreciate Acting Commissioner Annucci taking the time to speak with me about concerns raised regarding the significant violence, drug activity and other issues occurring at correctional facilities in my Senate District and across the state. The Acting Commissioner concurred with me that the violent incidents, which have resulted in hospitalizations and injuries to staff, are unacceptable. He also indicated that he is continuing to review and consider what could and should be done to address this issue, including lock downs as I have requested."
The senator statement concluded with him vowing to continue to push for needed changes to protect the men and women who work inside the facilities.
Just a few weeks, Griffo also wrote Annucci calling for better protection of staff inside state facilities.