Grilling Tips To Keep You Safe On Memorial Day
Typically Memorial Day is the start of summer. That could also be the start of your grilling season. When you do get out the grill it's important to remember theses simple safety tips to avoid disaster.
The Firemen’s Association of the State of New York (FASNY) reports that grill fires spike in the warm summer months. That's when the majority of people are grilling and chilling. However, sometimes that chilling gets in the way of grilling:
From 2007-2011, U.S. fire departments responded to an average of 8,800 home structure fires and outdoor fires involving grills, hibachis, or barbecues each year, including an average of 3,800 structure fires and 5,000 outside fires. These 8,800 fires caused an annual average of 10 civilian deaths, 140 reported civilian injuries, and $96 million in direct property damage.
To make Memorial Day safe, here's 5 simple tips to remember:
Make sure your grill is at least 10 feet away from your home, garage, or trees.
Don’t use grills in a garage, on a porch, deck or on top of anything that can catch fire. Never use a propane barbecue grill on a balcony, terrace or roof: it is both dangerous and illegal.
Don’t wear loose clothing that might catch fire.
When lighting your propane barbecue, make sure all the connections are secure and open the lid and strike your match or lighter before turning on the gas.
In the event of a grease fire, NEVER attempt to extinguish with water. It will only cause the flames to flare up. Use an approved portable fire extinguisher.
For a FULL LIST of all FASNY grilling safety tips visit The Firemen’s Association of the State of New York Website.