The Herkimer Police Department is sending a special message to all those football fans ready to celebrate on Super Bowl Sunday. It's okay to have fun, but it's imperative to be safe.
Upstate New York winters can be breathtakingly beautiful but notoriously harsh. It's imperative you do all that you can to keep yourself warm in order to get through these cold months.
Officials with the Utica Police Department are offering a list of several safety tips for area food delivery drivers as they continue to investigate multiple robberies.
Summer is upon us, and unfortunately, that means we'll start seeing blue-green algae in Central New York lakes and waterways. That algae can be fatal to pets.
These cold Central New York winters don't just have negative health effects for humans. Dogs, cats and other animals can also suffer injuries such as hypothermia and frostbite.
July 4th should be a day enjoyed by people and pets. Follow these simple steps to ensure that everyone stays safe during the holiday: keep pets secure, keep children away from fireworks and use caution and eye protection when lighting fireworks.
Typically Memorial Day is the start of summer. That could also be the start of your grilling season. When you do get out the grill it's important to remember theses simple safety tips to avoid disaster.