You don't have to spend a fortune to make your significant other happy on Valentine's Day. You just have to think.

Guys (and this applies to ladies, too) you don't have to spend a fortune on Valentine's Day - it's not about the money, it's about the thought. Thinky gifts are better than pricey gifts. 

Most of us just want to know that our significant other understands us - that you know what we love, what we enjoy, and maybe what we've been wishing for. That's why the best rom-coms have scenes that show the guy serving dinner on the roof, or stringing a courtyard with twinkly lights. Hell, even Fifty Shades of Gray had a billionaire hunting for a specific book for his love interest. (Granted, it was a very rare first-edition - but it was about the thought, not the cost.)

Forget about spending hundreds on dinner and flowers and think. Need some inspiration? Think and then Google. I guarantee your significant other will be more impressed by a well-thought out expression of love than a mass-produced box of chocolates.

So, hand write that Valentine's card, cook the dinner yourself, and make Valentine's Day about a meaningful experience. (If you're really challenged, just watch her favorite romantic movie and get some inspiration there.)


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