New York is known for its iconic skylines, bustling streets, diverse culture, and of course Central and Upstate New York. Amidst the chaois, it's time to create an ocean view in your own home.

If you're a pet enthusiast looking for a unique and captivating experience, consider diving into the world of aquatic wonders. Owning aqua-cultured corals can transform your living space into a vibrant underwater paradise. The colors and shapes of these corals add a unique touch to your aquarium, creating a beautiful visual that will impress both guests and family members. From the soothing blues of the Montipora to the fiery reds of the Acropora, each coral species brings a splash of color and life to your home. Owning aqua-cultured corals and fish is more than just a hobby—it's an experience that brings the wonders of the ocean into your home.

New Coral Pet Shop Opening In Rome

Hidden Treasures Corals will be holding their grand opening on January 27th. They are located at 309 North James Street in Rome. This space in Rome is no stranger to pets. However, this new shop specializes in corals and more:

Aqua cultured corals and fish
We focus on only saltwater!
Create an Ocean View in your own home!
Located in Rome NY"

You can call them at (315) 404-9175 for more information. As of the time of this story, they currently have their second coral tank up and running. Here are some photos from their Facebook page that show some of the coral, and other options at the store for when it does open on January 27th.

Check Out Hidden Treasures Corals Of Rome

New York is known for its iconic skylines, bustling streets, diverse culture, and of course Central and Upstate New York. Amidst the chaois, it's time to create an ocean view in your own home.

Hidden Treasures Corals will be holding their grand opening on January 27th. They are located at 309 North James Street in Rome. 

Gallery Credit: Dave Wheeler

5 Famous Animals Buried in New York State

Gallery Credit: Will Phillips

10 Exotic Animals You Can Legally Have as Pets In New York

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