Your Chance to See ‘Something Rotten’ with SHAKESPEARE POP
Broadway Utica is proud to present 'Something Rotten' coming to the Stanley Theater, and you could be going to the show on us.
All you have to do for your chance to win, is play "SHAKESPEARE POP." We're going to take your favorite hit songs, and "Shakespeare them up" a bit. As in, change up the lyrics to make it sound more... well, Shakespearian.
Around 1:50pm Naomi Lynn (or, sometimes a special guest) will perform a Shakespeare-version of a song you hear on Lite 98.7. Once you hear it, call in and tell us the name and artist of that song.
If you're correct, we'll give you a pair of tickets to see "Something Rotten" at the Stanley Theater. If you're wrong, we'll go to the next caller until someone can get the correct answer. Obviously, all station contest rules apply.
For example, the clue could be:
My love, I'm going to shaketh, shaketh, shaketh, shaketh, shaketh...
I shaketh it off, I shaketh it off...
That would be Taylor Swift's "Shake It Off."
It may be lyrics from the chorus, or lyrics from an iconic part of a hit song, you'll just have to listen closely to try and figure it out. And of course some may be easier than others.
"Something Rotten" is coming to the Stanley Theater on Monday, November 5th and Tuesday, November 6th at 7:30pm (both nights). According to Broadway Utica, the story is set in 1595 and is about brothers Nick and Nigel Bottom who are trying to write a hit play. Broadway Utica says,
...a local soothsayer foretells that the future of theatre involves singing, dancing and acting at the same time, Nick and Nigel set out to write the world’s very first MUSICAL!
You can get more information on "Something Rotten," by visiting: BroadwayUtica..com
And make sure you join Naomi Lynn for "SHAKESPEARE POP" weekdays at 1:50 PM, for your chance to win a pair of tickets to the show.
Good Luck!
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