There’s a New Tool Available to Help You if Your Property Gets Stolen
There's a cool, new tech item out that can help police get back your items if they're ever stolen from you.
A friend of mine shared this article on Facebook and I just had to share it with you. This is probably one of the coolest "tech" things I've seen in a long time, and it can actually help you if your house or car is ever burglarized.
The article (and video) comes from "Today." And in one of their special "Rossen Reports," they show how this "Pro-Tech DNA" kit can help police track your items back to you if they're ever stolen. According to the video from "Today," you just sign up online, then the company gives you a personal pin number and mails you an "Anti-Theft DNA Kit."
So what exactly is this kit?
Well, according to "Today," it's an adhesive gel that has microscopic dots in it. You put the gel on any of your expensive and valuable items, like jewelry, maybe your laptop or iPad - pretty much anything that's important to you.
Let's say you have a TV and a laptop that you put your adhesive gel on, and your house gets broken into (and those items were stolen). If the police catch the crooks and recover the goods, sometimes it's hard to know what items belong to who, and who can prove those items are their's. With this kit, police can use a special light and camera to find the gel and get the information from the "ProTech DNA" company to find out who is behind the personal pin number, aka the person who owns the goods that were stolen. And the chances of you getting your items back skyrocket.
"Today" says it costs about $5 to have the kit mailed to you and there's enough gel in each kit to put on about 100 valuable items. You can get more information on "ProTech DNA," and the full article from Today here.
Hopefully you never have to worry about your items being stolen or your house or car being broken in to. But if it does happen, it's nice to know there's a chance you may actually get those stolen items back. Sometimes it's not such a big deal - TVs and laptops can be replaced, but jewelry your great grandmother wore on her wedding day that has been passed down?? Well, that's not so easily replaced.
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