Lite Listener Featured in EDITOR Magazine
I was so excited to find out today that one of our loyal Lite listeners is featured in the latest issue of EDITOR Magazine. This guy is not only one of the nicest, and coolest Lunch at the Lite Cafe callers, but apparently he's quite the baker, too!
I got some very exciting news during Lunch at the Lite Cafe today! One of my usual callers, Robert from Deerfield, was featured in EDITOR Magazine. Now, Robert is a very nice guy who calls a few times a week. He requests a song, and we talk about everything - from plans for the weekend, to the Utica Comets - and everything in between. Today I learned he's quite a baker, and one of his recipes had been featured in a local magazine!
I had to stalk out the article online. The way it was written was no surprise to me - the writer had a lot of nice things to say about Robert (which makes sense, he's a pretty good person). Robert ended up winning a contest put on by EDITOR and shared a very unique recipe with its readers - 'Bob's Crasin Poppy Seed Biscuit Cookies.' Sounds good, right?!
Anyway, the writer for EDITOR told a little story before posting the recipe. Saying, that Robert had offered him some of the cookies to take with him and have the next day. Pretty nice gesture, and pretty nice writing.
A big congratulations to Robert being featured in EDITOR, and thanks for always being a loyal Lite listener. I'll be sure to try out this recipe for myself! (btw: you can check out the recipe here).
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