Little Falls Goes Hollywood
Road and bridge closures, film crews, and big Hollywood stars may affect life in Little Falls at the close of October. Portions of a movie called "A Quiet Place" are being filmed in the Mohawk Valley community.
From Sunday, October 29 through Tuesday October 31, according to Little Falls Mayor Mark Blask, portions of Main Street and 2nd Street were to be closed and Gansevoort Street was expected to have temporary "no parking" signs in place, plus the Theodore Wind Bridge was to be closed from 12-7 p.m. Monday.
Some of these plans could be affected by weather conditions, but all filming was expected to be completed well before Halloween Trick or Treaters would be out and about on Tuesday. See the Little Falls Facebook page for more information.
Actor John Krasinski ("The Office") and some of the crew from Paramount Pictures visited Little Falls in August to scout some locations.
Krasinski and his real-life wife Emily Blunt star in the the low budget film, a supernatural thriller produced by Hollywood giant Michael Bay, and set for an April 2018 release.
If you've had a close encounter with anyone from this movie crew, we'd love to hear about it.
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