This Has Probably Never Happened to You in Central New York
This has probably never happened to you in Central New York, and if it has, it's hardly ever. But for some areas of the country it's an everyday occurrence.
I spent a few days last week visiting my friends and family back in Michigan. After my boyfriend and I got stopped by this normal everyday thing just outside of the city of Port Huron, it made me realize that I haven't been stopped by "this" since I moved out to New York more than two years ago.
I'm talking about getting stopped by a train at a railroad crossing. Although I've driven over a few of them around Central New York, I've never actually had to wait for a train. I remember growing up in Southeast Michigan, and hearing the train whistles at night. On the bus ride to and from school we would probably get stopped once a week. And as an adult going to college and work, I would get stopped by a train at least three times in a normal week.
It's funny, something so simple, but it is a difference I've noticed since living in New York. I have to admit though, I'm happy I haven't been stopped by a train. I remember it becoming a nuisance, like if I was running a few minutes late for work and then got stopped by a train... Or when I just wanted to get home after a long day and I have to wait an extra five minutes for a train to go by.
Have you ever been stopped at a railroad crossing in Central New York? Where was it and when did it happen? Do you get stopped often by trains? I want to know... Leave me a message in the "comments section" at the bottom of this page.
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