A woman's purse is a magical place. It holds many wonders - some useful, some decorative, and some just weird. So we're asking: what's the weirdest thing you have in your purse, Central New York?

Mary Poppins has her carpet bag. Hermione Granger has her little velvet pouch. Your mom probably has her handbag, too. There something about handbags - they just end up holding the weirdest stuff - whether it's there on purpose, or it just ends up there in ways you don't fully understand or remember.

When we asked you to identify the weirdest things in your handbags - you didn't disappoint. You're lugging around everything from a cheeseburger to unusual pencil sharpeners. 

Weird Stuff In Your Purse

Some of you had some really weird stuff in there, including - ahem - adult toys (can't include a picture of THAT), weapons to protect yourself at work, horse thermometers, and wrappers from snacks you're hiding from your significant others.

The good news is if we were on that old game show, Let's Make A Deal, where the host would offer to buy the weird stuff you have in your purse...we'd all be rich.

What's the weirdest thing you have in your purse? Send the pictures to beth@lite987.com and we'll include them in our gallery.



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