Let’s Be Honest, This Character Is The Real Villain Of Christmas In New York
When it comes to Christmas characters in movies and holiday specials, most are fun, upbeat, and enjoyable to watch. Each holiday season one skates by as one of the worst characters of the entire Christmas season.
(This is an opinion piece meant to bring you laughter, feel free to challenge the opinion on our station app. This is just one Upstate New York residents opinion)
Is the worst character Neil from The Santa Clause? Or, is it the Burgermeister Meisterburger from Santa Claus Is Comin To Town? The answer to both of those questions is no.
The worst character who is truly evil in Christmas movies is......Frosty The Snowman
Here's the following reasons Frosty can be considered the worst character, and one of the most evil of all of Christmas:
1) Frosty comes to life and instantly expects children to help him.
I don't know what household the children in the song grew up in, or time period, but I do know that if I saw a snowman come to life, I would instantly scream and run away. These kids are conned into playing games with him and taking care of Frosty. The spirit of Frosty searches for children between the ages of 3-11 to become his caretaker. What type of spiritual being expects children to help cloth and feed them? These kids can barely manage walking up hill both ways to school, and now they have a Snowman who demands things to take care of.
2) Frosty has zero respect for law enforcement.
He led them down the streets of town, right to the traffic cop; and only paused a moment, when he heard him holler, "Stop!"
Once the traffic cop asks him to stop, he refuses to. Frosty keeps running around, which then makes the police officer chase after. So let's review.....We have a gang of children running around town with a demon snowman, the police asks him to stop, and he just keeps laughing and thumpety thumps on his way. At this point, there must be all sorts of accidents in town, which then would tie up the fire department, and other key first responders. Any town he visits must be a disaster.
3) Is Frosty a bonus character in an Oceans 11 style heist?
Let's be honest, in our last point we mention how Frosty gets the police chasing him. Once the police aren't paying attention to the banks, or jewelry stores, who is? Oh, that's right, the con artists. Frosty uses children and police as the bait to help rob these stores. Once he cleans up town, he moves on magically to the next stop. It's all adding up.
4) What's really in that pipe he's smoking?
I've seen Breaking Bad, and I know the world we live in. What type of "tobacco" is in that corn cob pipe? Either way, second hand smoke isn't a friend to anyone. He hangs with children while puffing the magic dragon.
5) He re-produces himself and creates more problems.
He creates a family, which causes more of these issues as mentioned above, and below.
6) He's worse than Facebook when it comes to birthdays.
His catch phrase coming to life is "Happy Birthday." Does he just say this to cover his bases when it comes to not remembering peoples birthdays?
7) Only when the little girl was on the brink of freezing to death, did he care about this childs well being.
How did a snowman get on a train with a child? Also, Frosty only becomes concerned with this little girls health when she is as close to death as she could be. How selfish that he took a child with him to begin with.
8) He stole the magicians hat, and we are led to believe the magician is the villain.
In the holiday special, the magician is painted as a horrible character. Why? Because he wants his hat back. All he wants is his magic hat back, that his entire business is based on. This magician is trying to make a living and Frosty is preventing it.
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