RFA Seniors Gather For Graduation Photo Shoot, Joined by RPD
Graduating seniors across the state are celebrating the graduation season a little bit differently than years past. They didn't get the chance to finish out the school year with their peers, they didn't get to go to their ball or their prom. It was only just announced on Sunday that outdoor, socially distanced graduations of up to 150 people could take place starting on June 26th.
Roger Johnston of Captured Momentz Photography wanted to do something memorable for the class of 2020. He said that he was trying to take senior ball mock up photos since the students lost that memory and it didn't go well for him. Only four students took photos. It led him to come up with another idea to get more students involved.
So I thought "Well, cap and gown delivery was last Wednesday..." so lets try to get something planned for pictures of them (the students) in cap and gown.
Johnston said he recruited a mother of the class to share the message across social media to get more students to come to the shoot.

Over the weekend, about thirty students gathered together to take the photos. Johnston said he had to keep it decently hush hush so the gesture wouldn't get "busted" before it even started. But to his surprise, four officers from the Rome Police Department joined in on the fun, while making sure everyone stayed safe.
The kids loved the cops being there. Officer Hoag was there and many of the students grew up around him being in our school system.
Johnston said he'd love to get another photo shoot to include the rest of the seniors planned for sometime in the near future. In the mean time, he is taking single portraits of the seniors. You can reach out to him on Facebook if you're interested in booking a session.
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