In his wildest dreams, Ronnie Brower never would have thought he could shake off 458 pounds to the music of Taylor Swift. Even more amazing is how the Syracuse man looks after having all that excess skin removed.

Ronnie is loving his new tighter, leaner body despite the scar. "They'll fade but I just tell people I get bit by a shark. You should see the shark," he jokes.

That new body came with hard work, dedication and the help of trainers Nick Murphy and Jill Rupert of Mission Fitness in Syracuse. "We're seeing a lot of clients come in after seeing Ronnie lose all the weight looking for the formula. A lot of people try to diet and lose weight and seem to fail and I think you first have to find out why," explains Jill.

The formula for Ronnie began at home. "He couldn't even get out of the house for the first 100 days. We had to get him down 100 pounds for him to even walk to the car," says Nick. "We did that by starting to have Ronnie sit in a chair, moving his arms up and down and that was high intensity for him."

Now that Ronnie is a meaner, leaner version of himself, he wants to share his knowledge with others. "I want to become a personal trainer and help people who were in the same situation I was."

In addition to a new body and a new job, Ronnie also has a girlfriend, who he often works out with. "She lost 120 pounds. That's how Andrea and I met. She was training with Jill. I was working with Nick and she caught my eye."

Ronnie also caught the eye of Inside Edition who filmed his surgery and was there for the results.

If you want to follow in Ronnie's footstep, the first step is reaching out for help. Learn more at on Facebook or by emailing Nick and Jill at

MORE: Ronnie Brower's Weight Loss Goes Viral

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