Simple Rules Of Regifting – Yes It’s OK To Regift
Regifting or recycling presents is a magical option that often saves us during our holiday scramble. But is it ok to regift? Is it ethical? What if you get caught?
If you haven't regifted, you've at least thought about it. Maybe it's not your style or something you will never use. The consensus is yes, it's ok to regift, as long as you follow some sensible rules.
- The gift must be new, and rewrapped or put into a new gift bag.
- You can't regift to someone who knows the original gifter.
- Don't regift in the same social circle.
- The gift must be worth regifting.
- Never tell anyone that you regifted. It’s your dirty little secret.
CNN reports more than three in four Americans find regifting socially acceptable, according to a recent survey from American Express. And last year, consumers re-gifted an average of four presents.
Would you? Could you regift? Let us know in the comments below.
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