‘Star Wars: Episode 7′ Still Has a Major Female Role to Cast
With the announcement of the main cast of 'Star Wars: Episode 7' today, it was hard not to note that of the new cast members, only one was female. Some took issue with this, which may be why word has leaked that there's another key female role that has yet to be cast.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, writer director J.J. Abrams has another important female role in the film, but it is not yet filled. This unknown actress would then join Carrie Fisher and newcomer Daisy Ridley as one of the primary female characters, alongside male stars Kenny Baker John Boyega, Anthony Daniels, Adam Driver, Harrison Ford, Domhnall Gleeson, Mark Hamill, Oscar Isaac, Peter Mayhew, Andy Serkis and Max von Sydow. This also re-opens the door to the possible casting of Lupita Nyong'o or Maisie Richardson-Sellers, who were both rumored to be a part of the film.
Considering the aggressive nature of the British tabloid scene, and the fact that the cast was about to have a table read, it's quite possible that the new 'Star Wars' team aren't through sorting out all of the cast and went public today to make sure that they weren't scooped by nosy paparazzi. This seems likely as casting gossip was already starting to spill out as Oscar Isaac wasn't considered a front-runner until word leaked yesterday. But the main pieces seem to be in place, and shooting is supposed to start on May 15, with the film scheduled to hit theaters December 18, 2015.