Claims That Subway Chicken is Only 50% Meat Are False
Have you seen the stories going around that claim Subway chicken isn't completely chicken? Those claims are false, that's according to Subway.
Earlier this week, a study was broadcasted out on the Canadian television show "Marketplace" that claimed the chicken Subway uses in two of their popular sandwiches isn't completely chicken (you may have seen the stories on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites, as many other outlets picked up the story). Actually, according to the study, Subway's oven roasted chicken tested as only 53.6% chicken DNA. Subway's strips of chicken tested only 42.8% chicken DNA according to the results Marketplace shared. Marketplace said the majority of the DNA that wasn't chicken was made up of soy.
But the sandwich chain is saying those claims are completely false. According to a press release from Subway,
Subway representatives immediately contacted the program and the lab that conducted the tests to inquire about the methodology and the testing process. The program and the lab declined to engage with Subway except to share the results...
Subway then sent the chicken in question to two independent labs to have them test it. These studies had a completely different conclusion. According to the press release,
The results from both labs found soy protein below 10 ppm, or less than 1%, in all tested samples. These findings are
consistent with the low levels of soy protein that we add with the spices and marinade to help keep the products moist and flavorful.
Subway shared their findings with Marketplace and asked them to apologize and retract their statements.