
Joe Biden's Eyes
Joe Biden's Eyes
Joe Biden's Eyes
Watching the State of the Union address, sitting behind President Obama is Vice President Joe Biden.  The position is the customary spot for the VP, in his ceremonial role as President of the Senate.  Perhaps you were unnerved by Biden's eyes.  Here's what happened.
Is This Really a Photo of an Alien in the Woods in Texas?
Is This Really a Photo of an Alien in the Woods in Texas?
Is This Really a Photo of an Alien in the Woods in Texas?
Maybe we're just hypersensitive to this sort of thing, but it seems like UFO reports have been pouring in lately. After the possible appearance of UFOs in Google Street View and in the skies over San Francisco and Brooklyn, a man claims to have snapped a photographed of a "Grey" alien in the woods of Texas.
Did UFOs Appear Over Brooklyn and San Francisco?
Did UFOs Appear Over Brooklyn and San Francisco?
Did UFOs Appear Over Brooklyn and San Francisco?
We're already convinced that aliens exist, so it's not like we need any further proof. But these clips of identical UFOs hovering in the sky over Brooklyn and San Francisco blew us away. All hail our alien overlords! (The videos are a bit NSFW, by the way, due to some UFO-inspired potty mouth.)
Air Force Releases Declassified Flying Saucer Plans
Air Force Releases Declassified Flying Saucer Plans
Air Force Releases Declassified Flying Saucer Plans
The truth is out there! Well, sort of. The 'X-Files' gang were partially right: the National Archives recently published declassified "flying saucer" schematics and the details of the project, dubbed "Project 1974" that hailed from the 1950s.

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