A couple of weeks ago, Forbes revealed its annual list of the highest-paid actors in Hollywood, with Robert Downey Jr. effortlessly landing the top spot. This week, the publication has released the list of the highest-paid actresses in Hollywood, with Jennifer Lawrence taking the number one spot followed by Scarlett Johansson — hardly surprising, but what makes this list interesting is that many of the women on it earn far less than their male counterparts.
It's time for another installment of 'You Think You Know Movies'! Where last we revealed some cool facts about the first 'Star Wars' movie and Marvel's 'The Avengers,' we now take a trip outside the realm of sci-fi and superheroes with 'Mean Girls.'
Who doesn’t love when celebrities kiss and tell on their costars, especially when the costar is ‘Magic Mike’ hottie Channing Tatum? Spill the deets, Amanda Seyfried!
With everyone from Lindsay Lohan to Tina Fey all gung-ho about a 'Mean Girls' reunion (2014 marks the 10-year anniversary of the iconic film), former Plastic Karen Smith -- aka Amanda Seyfried -- had to weigh in with her two cents about a possible reunion.
Amanda Seyfried, with her luxe, flaxen mane of hair and those massive doe eyes, has the deck stacked in her favor when it comes to looking good. But despite her natural attributes, she faltered and disappointed at tonight's (Jan. 13) Golden Globe Awards.