Tis the season to bring out the matching pajamas, frost the cookies and make sure to wrap all the presents! Find out how Lizzo, the Kardashians and other big stars celebrated Christmas this year.
Former soccer star David Beckham isn't just famous for his moves on the soccer field. Modeling underwear has also garnered Beckham plenty of fans and attention. Now designer Tommy Hilfiger says Beckham is the number one underwear model of the century.
Sometimes we need to recognize the veterans who set the standards and live in the history text books of male hotness, like David Beckham here. These men are so hott (almost too hott) that most of the time we simply skip past them, thinking they can’t shine any brighter. But when Beckham got up in front of the camera and laid down these intensely saucy H&M ad photos, we all stopped with our jaw
Holly Madison just did it. David Beckham did it a couple of years ago. Doesn't matter if you're a singer, football player, model, or rugby player. Your famous features are where you make your money, so lots of celebrities want to protect those features.