If you thought Legion or Westworld were all the trippy TV you could handle, just wait until you see Cary Fukunaga’s Netflix Maniac. Our first photos of the Jonah Hill-Emma Stone remake have arrived, and it turns out going crazy is more colorful than we imagined.
Formerly known as Arms and the Dudes, the first trailer for War Dogs starring Miles Teller and Jonah Hill has arrived, teasing a slight change of pace for The Hangover director Todd Phillips — well, not so slight. It’s still a fairly rowdy and absurd comedy with a crude streak, but this one is based on an unbelievable true story.
It was over a year ago that the massive Sony hack revealed plans for a Jump Street-Men in Black crossover movie, and while it wasn’t entirely clear, we sort of assumed this would happen in 23 Jump Street. Interesting? Sure. Exciting? Well, maybe. With Phil Lord and Chris Miller busy prepping the young Han Solo movie, we’ve retained some healthy skepticism about this wacky crossover plan. But it looks like Sony has found a director to renew our optimism.
'22 Jump Street' gave us one of the most hilarious end credits sequences in comedy history, and one that seemed to signal to audiences that Phil Lord and Chris Miller were done with making 'Jump Street' movies, as it delivered concepts for about 20 fake sequels. But not so fast: '22 Jump Street' writer Rodney Rothman has been hired to return for '23 Jump Street,' so it seems like Ice Cube's threat to send our favorite undercover cops to medical school might not be out of the question.
'Ghostbusters 3' has remained alive in fans' hearts thanks to hopeful chatter from original star Dan Aykroyd, though all the on-and-off development issues have placed this in the category of "we'll believe it when we see it." However, new reports have emerged claiming that the sequel will finally begin filming next year, perhaps even with two new stars attached.