She REALLY Wanted To Go [VIDEO]She REALLY Wanted To Go [VIDEO]In this day and age why would any girl still wait on the guy to get up the nerve to ask her to go to the dance? Sometimes it's better when you take the initiative.Phil NyePhil Nye
Prom Etiquette Video From 1940s Is HilariousProm Etiquette Video From 1940s Is HilariousProm etiquette makes everyone behave awkwardly when you have to remind yourself just what is the proper way to pour the punch.Phil NyePhil Nye
Teen Serenades Dream Girl in Order to Ask Her to PromTeen Serenades Dream Girl in Order to Ask Her to PromWhen it came to getting a prom date, you could say Bobby Chin hit all the right notes.Drew WeisholtzDrew Weisholtz